Hi, I'm Hazhar Pani, Welcome to my blog, it's a lookbook of the various things that inspire me. the result of my inspiration can be found in my third year textile/surface design work at University of Bolton. looking forward to you following my progress during my final year at University...
I've just started printing my designs out, while printing I was painting my board white, after printing has done then I had to cut the edges of the wallpapers so they can go on my show space area.
I start planing how many collection of wallpaper I am going to have and how many design should be in each collection, but my plan was changing quite often.
I have started with a pencil outline drawings of modern architectural buildings and took them forward to illustrator and used the geometric pattern to give them a new look to get them ready for my wallpaper collection.
I started using different shapes to build the geometric patterns that I'm going to use for my wallpaper designs. I tried to keep the colour palette of my patterns as modern as I can.
I wanted my collection to have modern look to it, so for that reason I decided to work from a collection of modern architecture buildings.
I started by taking the images on to illustrator and take outline drawings of these building so I can use them to built my design with. The important thing that I had to do when drawing the outline was, I needed to separate every layer so each section of that building can be use on its own and to make the job essayer for myself I chose different colour for each layer that I drew, as you can see the outline shape of each building has different colours to it.
from the start of this project I started looking at different areas for inspiration, website such as http://www.wgsn.com/, http://www.coolhunting.com/, http://www.designboom.com/, http://www.dexigner.com/, and also looking at different wallpaper designers such as William Morris, David Hicks, Vivienne Westwood and Kirath Ghundoo. And for the architecture inspiration I looked at book such as, architecture today, charles jencks architecture today and architecture now by Philip joadido.