
Hi, I'm Hazhar Pani, Welcome to my blog, it's a lookbook of the various things that inspire me. the result of my inspiration can be found in my third year textile/surface design work at University of Bolton. looking forward to you following my progress during my final year at University...

Thursday, 14 March 2013

historical Collections CAD Design Works (photoshop)


  1. I want to create my own video games, but there's one little problem........I'M BROKE! I have to find a free download of a CAD Design Software over the internet. I don't want one with a trial or a time period...I also want one that's been updated recently. If you know how and where to find one, please tell me!.


    1. Hi Broke, the only one I know is, one with a trial or a time period, and the latest version of a CAD design Software is CS6.
